Saturday, December 20, 2014

Whitewashed Fireplace

When we first saw this house and saw this house had a brick fireplace, I was that special kind of excited where you get all giddy and obsessed. I immediately started Googling fireplace makeovers. At first I was super ambitious, thinking about stone veneer or stuff like that. Thankfully that's why I married my husband. He is my home improvement voice of reason. Once I was sufficiently aware of how much stone veneer would cost, I started looking at cheaper options (and hubs breathes a sigh of relief). It didn't take long for me to stumble across all the beautiful whitewashed brick fireplaces scattered around the web. I probably watched every YouTube video and blog post Google could find on the subject. It took about a month after moving in for me to get the time to do something about ours, but it's finally done!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Breathing New Life into Old French Doors

For my debut post, I'd like to introduce you to our back door, and how I made it a non-eyesore.